Lemon Fencing | Specialist in Essex
Export date: Thu Mar 13 17:57:28 2025 / +0000 GMT

Ellumiere 12V Cool White MR11 Bulb

Price: £9.50

SKU: EL02EB111

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Product Page: https://lemonfencing.co.uk/product/ellumiere-12w-cool-white-mr11-bulb/


Product Summary

  • Ellumiere 12v cool white MR11 bulb
  • Replacement bulb for small spotlight and large deck light
  • 170 lumens


Product Description

Deliveries made by Lemon Fencing.

Delivery charge applied is based on Postcode.
An approximate date for delivery will be given a couple of days after placing your order, either by phone or email.
Delivery service is normally within 2-10 working days (dependent on stock and seasonal demand).
There must be available parking, if there are parking constrictions, please make us aware as this may incur a charge.
We try to give either an AM or PM time slot for our deliveries, as we cannot always give a specific time of delivery.
Our trucks are tracked, so if you would like a more specific time, please phone on the day of delivery or the day before.



Product added date: 2021-08-10 14:39:17
Product modified date: 2024-11-21 09:20:03

Export date: Thu Mar 13 17:57:28 2025 / +0000 GMT
Product data have been exported from Lemon Fencing | Specialist in Essex [ https://lemonfencing.co.uk ]
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